Honeymooners on Tour: Bike Trips for Newlyweds

Jim + Lisa: DuVine Intervention

When it came time to plan their honeymoon, DuVine was the obvious choice for Jim and Lisa.

“As a professional trainer and coach, I’ve been cycling all my life,” Jim says. In 2016, he was sponsored by ASSOS to ride in Campionissimo, an event co-hosted by DuVine. That’s where he met Lisa, who was riding with DuVine founder Andy Levine. She was attending on a whim, having traveled with DuVine several times.

Andy “wasn’t playing matchmaker,” Jim laughs, “we did that part on our own.” The sparks flew when the DuVine peloton—comprised of Andy, Lisa, and a few DuVine guides—caught up with Jim. Later, Jim and Lisa got to talking, and “the conversation just never stopped.” Jim and Lisa refer to it as DuVine Intervention.

Cycling is what brought them together, and it kept them close as they dated long distance between California and Boulder, Colorado. Eventually they moved together to Washington to see if their romance “had legs.” Together, their legs (and their bond) grew stronger during frequent rides near their Tacoma home.

While planning their spring nuptials, a DuVine honeymoon was a “no brainer.” Lisa “had always wanted to travel in Spain,” but felt strongly that she should save the destination for her honeymoon. Making her dream come true, the newlyweds chose DuVine’s Costa Brava cycling tour.

For Jim, it was the routes that made the week memorable. Lisa notes that their guide Gonzalo always had “a touch in our hotel room to remind us that we were on our honeymoon.” And they both agree on the food: “we have a newfound love for pan tomate. It’s common in Spain for good reason, and we’re determined to become the stateside connoisseurs of tomato bread.”

What’s next for Jim and Lisa? After they master the perfect pan tomate, they’re thinking of tackling Switzerland’s cols on DuVine’s Switzerland Challenge Bike Tour.

The 2016 Campionissimo event where Jim and Lisa met

Brian + Katie: Wedded Bliss in Portugal

After a romantic and relaxing beach vacation in the Azores, Brian and Katie joined DuVine’s Douro Valley Bike Tour to cap off their honeymoon in Portugal. Brian had heard of DuVine from his neighbor in Boston—founder Andy Levine. “It was only a matter of time before I made it on a DuVine trip!” he says.

As it turned out, a May departure to the Douro Valley fit perfectly with their existing travel plans. “We’re very social,” Brian notes, “so joining a scheduled departure with so many friendly people alongside us made the experience even better.” And in addition to DuVine handling all the trip details, travel planning was “made even better for us because of how easy it is to get to Portugal from the East Coast,” says Brian.

A former professional triathlete, Brian was happy to spend time in the saddle next to his new wife. “We are both very athletic, and she got into cycling after riding with me at home.” Andy even made a special guest appearance to celebrate the occasion—a fun final touch during a week of surprise champagne and perfect photo ops, scouted by guides Pedro and João.

For their next DuVine adventure, Brian and Katie have their eyes on DuVine’s Greek Isles Yacht + Bike Tour.

Ben + Caroline: Custom-Made Mountain Romance

Ben and Caroline have always shared a love of athleticism. In fact, Ben’s proposal to Caroline came during a trail run in Beaver Creek, Colorado. “I rode up the mountain early that morning to find the perfect spot, then had a friend jump out of the bushes afterward for photos and champagne.”

Their honeymoon had to be just as active, so they gravitated to the Dolomites—a “cycling haven” that stood apart from the other Italian destinations they had visited together. Ben and Caroline were enamored with the region’s potential for adventure and its interesting cultural influences.

They worked with DuVine’s Travel Specialists to plan a custom itinerary, adding an additional day of hiking for the perfect “on and off the bike experience.” That July, they arrived in Italy and their guide Paolo got busy making sure their honeymoon was perfect. “One night, Paolo dropped us off to explore Sella Ronda on our own,” Ben recalls. “Little did we know, he’d been scouting a new route that would fit each of our abilities and interests. It ended up being the best ride of the trip!”

From the scenic alpine climbs to the private sunset dinner prepared by a three-star Michelin chef and served on a mountaintop, Ben calls their week with DuVine a “slam dunk.” Every morning, their bottles were filled with lemon water and Caroline would find a flower on her handlebars. “Little things like that which could have easily been skipped made this trip so special,” Ben says.

This year, Ben and Caroline are bringing friends along to relive the magic as they plan their next cycling vacation in France.

Tyler + Sydney: Happily Ever After in Croatia

Sydney and Tyler have known each other since they were 7 and 8 years old. “From high school to long-distance dating, we’ve been through it all” says Sydney. While living in different cities, Sydney and Tyler would find any way to maximize their time together. “I’m a marathon runner, so when Tyler would visit he would bike alongside me while I trained,” Sydney remembers. He got more into cycling, and she was quick to follow.

In 2017, Tyler traveled up from Miami and surprised Sydney with an epic proposal at a Manhattan music venue. Remembering a DuVine vacation they took with their families in Santa Barbara wine country, a bike tour was top of mind when they were honeymoon planning in 2019.

Their Croatia honeymoon cemented cycling as the couple’s favorite way to travel. According to Sydney, “you get the endorphin rush that comes with a workout, and the whole time you’re riding through lavender fields, seeing so much more of a new place than you could on foot or from a hotel.”

Tyler also admired their guides, Mario and Mijo. “They have a love for Croatia and an unparalleled wealth of local knowledge.” Both Sydney and Tyler agree that meeting a local legend on the island of Brač—who built his own bike for racing and commuting—was among their most memorable moments.

“At the end of the week, our guides surprised us with a honeymoon gift from the salt flats of Ston,” Tyler and Sydney recall. “Now we have the salt rock on display in our kitchen and use the table salt in all our cooking. It transports us back to Croatia every time.”

The family trip to Santa Barbara where Tyler and Sydney discovered DuVine

Georgene + Jenn: A Honeymoon and an Anniversary

Being active is what brought Georgene and Jenn together. “We started as friends—hiking, ocean swimming, and lots of dinner parties,” says Jenn. After they married in 2014, the two were dreaming of a honeymoon that included “active travel, the outdoors, food, wine, culture, and luxury.” DuVine was the perfect fit.

Georgene and Jenn settled on a classic destination: Tuscany. When their travel plans coincided with Jenn’s 40th birthday, “our guide decorated my bike with balloons”—and the celebratory touches kept on coming, including a “gorgeous honeymoon suite featuring frescoes and enormous, decadent ceilings.”

With Tuscany checked off their list, all Georgene and Jenn needed for their next adventure was an occasion. When their fifth wedding anniversary arrived, they booked a cycling vacation in Provence, France. “We loved the architecture and culinary experience,” Jenn says of their September 2019 tour. “Our guides, John and Alexis, surprised us with a cake at the end of our Michelin meal” to commemorate the many milestones the couple had shared with DuVine.

For Jenn and Georgene, the best-in-the-business bike tour guides are the main reason they ride with DuVine. “On both our tours, the guides were friendly, informed, fun, and professional.”

“The food, wine, and cycling were perfection across the board,” says Jenn. “I’m positive we’ll take another tour—maybe for our tenth anniversary, if not before!”

Georgene and Jenn dining with their fellow travelers in Provence

Cycle side-by-side through Umbria’s poppy fields, stroll hand-in-hand through the home of Romeo and Juliet in Verona, or indulge in decadent crème brulée in Burgundy. Fall in love all over again on our bikes tours and let us arrange your first adventure as a married couple—or plan a private tour for the two of you. Our trip designers are full of honeymoon ideas for active couples!